According to Statistics Finland's latest population projection, if the birth rate remains at the current level there will be no regions in the country where births exceed deaths in 15 years. Based on…
In August 21,351 persons immigrated from abroad and 9,280 left the country. During January-August, 30,431 children were born, which is 2,014 fewer than in the corresponding period in 2018
The Finnish Presidency is also advancing debate on the prevention of violent radicalisation and the fight against terrorism as well as on the countering of cybercrime and cyber threats.
In July 17,568 persons immigrated to Finland from abroad and 7,342 people left the country. In all, 5,091 (or 29%) of the immigrants and 4,702 (or 64%) of the emigrants were Finnish…
The population of the country was 5,521,158 at the end of June, according to the latest official figures. During the first half of 2019, the population increased by 3,239 persons due to migration…
The natural population change was negative for a second consecutive year in the EU as a whole. Finland is once more among the Member States with the lowest birth rates (8.6‰).
The country's population increased by 1,667 persons during January-May. The reason for the increase was migration gain from abroad, according to Statistics Finland.
The reason is a picture of a dark-skinned family published in its Twitter account during the EU elections, accompanied by a call to vote for the True Finns party "so that Finland's future will not…
The share of Europeans among the persons with foreign background born in Finland is 48%, that of persons with Asian background 27%, and 22% for persons with African background.
Anti-immigrant sentiment, antisemitism and Islamophobia were still prevalent in most member states in 2018. Persons of African descent also faced increased resentment, says the annual report of…
In the EU, the average share of self-employed persons among the native-born population is 14%, while among foreign-born persons is 13%. Finland also meets the trend. Many foreigners decide to start…
Firas Jalil claims nobody informed him at the reception center or at the police station that asylum seekers only had three months to request permission for family reunification from the…
Carmen Tomás has lived in Finland for more than thirty years. During this time she has experienced the country's brightest stage while working in Nokia, but also the darkest as a job…