Monday. 24.02.2025

Five Afghans who were flown out to France are under surveillance by the security authorities for suspected proximity to the militant Islamist Taliban.

One of them was taken into police custody on Monday evening because he had not respected his residency requirements, France's Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told Franceinfo on Tuesday morning.

The man had "obvious links to the Taliban" but had helped the French army evacuate compatriots and Afghans.

The four other people under official surveillance are reportedly from the man's circle.

The newspaper Le Monde, citing an official document, reported that the man now in custody had admitted to carrying weapons in the days before August 18 as the person in charge of a Taliban checkpoint in Kabul.

France has brought in more than 1,000 Afghans since the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, according to recent Foreign Ministry figures.

5 evacuated Afghans under surveillance in France over Taliban links