Sunday. 09.03.2025

The Spanish Active Insertion Income (Renta Activa de Insercion, RAI) is a state unemployment benefit of over 451 euros per month.

It is intended to support the unemployed with a lack of income and specific difficulties in accessing the job market, such as the long-term unemployed over 45 years of age, returned emigrants over 45, victims of gender-based violence or people with serious disabilities.

The benefit can be collected for a maximum of 11 months, but it can be claimed up to 3 times.

Its amount is equivalent to 80% of the Spanish Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income (Indicador Publico de Renta de Efectos Multiples, IPREM), a reference indicator that is updated annually by the Ministry of Finance according to the progress of the economy. 

The amount of the RAI in 2021 is 451.92 euros per month.

Normally, payment occurs on the 10th of each month.

Who can apply for the RAI?

People who wish to apply for the RAI must be part of one of the following four groups:

  • Long-term unemployed over 45 years of age. To receive it, they must have previously exhausted a contributory unemployment benefit before requesting the RAI. And they may not be entitled to other benefits.
  • Returned emigrants over 45 years of age. To benefit, they must have worked at least 6 months abroad since the last departure from Spain and have returned in the 12 months prior to the application.
  • Victims of gender-based violence.
  • People with disabilities equal to or greater than 33%.

General requirements to apply for the RAI

  • Be under 65 years of age.
  • Not having an income greater than 75% of the minimum salary (723.75 euros per month in 2021).
  • The family unit cannot exceed the rent cap. This means that the sum of the monthly income obtained by all members of the family unit (the applicant, their spouse and children), divided by the number of members, cannot exceed the 75% of the minimum salary (723.75 euros in 2021) per month per member.
  • Not having been a beneficiary of three previous Active Insertion Income (RAI) Programs.
  • Not having collected the RAI in the 365 calendar days prior to the request. This applies in the case of RAI for long-term unemployed persons over 45 years of age and RAI for returned emigrants. In these two cases, to request a new (second or third) RAI after having benefited from the first one, applicants have to let a year pass without receiving it. Only in the case of disabled applicants or victims of gender-based violence, the three annuities in a row can be requested.
  • Provide the certificate of Active Job Search, in cases of requesting the RAI for being a long-term unemployed person or person with a disability, The certificate must be requested in the Autonomous Employment Service (SAE) of the region of residence.

Where and how can it be requested?

The RAI can be requested at the offices of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE). It is important to know that for this you have to make an appointment.

The request can also be made online, through the SEPE electronic services. For this it is necessary to have a digital certificate, access to the cl@ve identification system or electronic DNI.

The request can also be made by submitting an application form through the SEPE website HERE

Required documents

  • Official application form. It can be downloaded HERE
  • Identification documents of the applicant and of the family members that appear in the application: DNI or Foreign identity card, Family Book (Libro de Familia) or equivalent document in the case of foreigners.

There is also specific documentation that is required for each type of applicant:


  • Resolution or certificate issued by the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (IMSERSO) or competent body of the autonomous community.
  • Resolution of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) where the condition of pensioner is recognized due to total and absolute permanent disability and severe disability.
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Economy and Finance or the Ministry of Defense where a retirement pension or retirement due to permanent disability for service or uselessness is recognized.


  • Certificate issued by the Employment Area of the Government Delegations or Sub-delegations in each province.


  • Judicial sentence, judicial protection order, report of the Public Prosecutor's Office or report of the social services of the competent public administration (autonomous or local) or shelter.

The Spanish Active Insertion Income (RAI) and how to request it