Social Security to "immediately" hire 1,615 workers to improve service

The Secretary of State for Social Security and Pensions, Borja Suárez, announced on Thursday the immediate creation of 1,615 jobs in Social Security "with which attention to citizens will be strengthened."
"There is a political will to solve the abandonment that the organization has suffered since the beginning of the last decade, to strengthen its structure and promote its modernization in terms of resources and personnel", explained Suárez.
The posts, 645 from subgroup A2 and 970 from subgroup C1, will be filled in the first instance by interim officials whose hiring will be processed immediately. This step, which represents a 7.42% increase in personnel for the system as a whole (and 8.43% within the scope of the Social Security) also represents the first net increase in the Social Security workforce in the last 10 years.
The measure falls within the framework of a plan launched by Social Security to alleviate staff shortages as a result of the cutback measures applied during the financial crisis.
The plan includes two more important milestones this year: the macro contest for the provision of vacant jobs, which will mean the incorporation of hundreds more staff, and the redesign of the selection processes, which seeks to drastically reduce management times necessary for the recruitment of new career civil servants and that will therefore contribute to the Social Security receiving reinforcements more quickly.