Monday. 10.03.2025

The State Public Employment Service (SEPE, in its Spanish acronym) has published its quarterly report on occupations considered hard-to-fill due to a lack of native labour (Catalogo de Ocupaciones de Dificil Cobertura, in Spanish).

These are occupations that urgently need workers.

The vacancies are advertised through the public employment services of the different regions (comunidades autonomas) and the Spanish labor authorities believe that there is a lack of candidates in Spain to meet the need for professionals in these fields.

This lack of native labor force allows employers to request the processing of temporary residence and employment permits for foreigners who are properly trained and willing to fill these vacancies.

According to the SEPE, this catalog is prepared for each province - or islands in the case of island provinces - and for the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. It is published by the state employment services on its website every quarter and its validity extends from the first to the last working day of the calendar quarter following its publication.

List of hard-to-fill vacancies

In the fourth quarter of 2021, the SEPE list - endorsed by the Spanish Council of Ministers - shows the existence of demand for professionals in the following fields for any region of Spain:

  • Professional athletes
  • Sports trainers

The Merchant Marine is one of the sectors that suffers the most from the lack of workers. For this reason, the following occupations in the Merchant Marine sector at the proposal of the Central State Administration are also included for all the coastal provinces, Lleida and Madrid.

Naval machinists, mechanics, merchant ship pilots, boat cooks, passenger ship assistants, specialized ship firefighters, and sailors (except for fishing) are some of the most sought-after professionals. 

You can download the complete list of occupations difficult to fill in Spain in the fourth quarter of 2021 by clicking HERE

You can search directly and safely for hard-to-fill vacancies on the website of the State Public Employment Service by clicking HERE

Hard-to-fill occupations that ease obtaining Spanish residence permits