Saturday. 29.03.2025

Thirteen German tourists detained on the Spanish island of Mallorca for starting a fire by throwing cigarette butts and alcohol onto the reed canopy of a restaurant could face lengthy jail terms, lawyers said on Monday.

The 13 could be charged with causing a fire by negligence and if found guilty could be sent to prison for between one and three years, the lawyers said.

Jail terms for deliberate arson run up to six years, they added, and if the court finds that they jeopardized human life, the sentence could be even longer.

The 13 were detained on Friday after the incident during a party held on a balcony of their hotel during the afternoon. According to media reports, the fire damaged the restaurant, an adjoining house and the hotel, causing damage running to at least €150,000 ($160,000).

Two people are reported to have suffered minor injuries.

In custody

On Saturday, the investigating magistrates ordered the tourists to be held in custody without the option of bail. The accused are reported to have made use of their right to remain silent.

The Diario de Mallorca newspaper and other media reported that the magistrates were investigating a charge of "joint responsibility."

Police in Palma, the island's capital, have not released information on precisely where the Germany tourists hail from.

The restaurant is located near Playa de Palma, a beach strip popularized in German culture as the Ballermann, after the name of a beachside cafe.

German tourists accused of burning a Mallorca restaurant could be jailed