Wednesday. 26.03.2025

The Minimum Vital Income (IMV, in its Spanish acronym) is a subsidy granted by the State to low-income people.

The amount of this subsidy can vary, from 5,899.6 euros per year for an adult to a maximum of 12,979.12 euros for certain types of family.

You can check the amount of the subsidy for each type of family HERE

To be entitled to receive the IMV you must be at least 23 years old and not be entitled to receive a Social Security pension. Therefore, people over 65 years of age (retired) cannot apply for it.

But those who do have the right to receive the Minimum Vital Income could lose it if they stop meeting some requirements.


The loss of the right can be temporary (a suspension) or permanent (extinction). Among the reasons for the suspension of the subsidy are the following:

  • Travel abroad not exceeding 90 days a year, without having notified the managing entity in advance of the trip, nor being duly justified. The recipients of the minimum vital income must inform the Social Security of any trip abroad that exceeds 15 days a year. This obligation affects not only the holder of the subsidy, but also all the members of the family unit that receives it.
  • Receiving income from a job or self-employment activity that is incompatible with the Minimum Vital Income.
  • When there are indications that obligations are being breached, until the doubt is resolved.

The suspension of IMV aid will continue until the doubts are resolved. In the event that the suspension is maintained for one year, the right to the benefit is extinguished.


The reasons for the definitive extinction of the right to receive the Minimum Vital Income are the following:

  • Death of the recipient.
  • Stays abroad without communicating or justifying, continued or not, for a period of 90 days a year.
  • Waive the right.
  • Suspension of the benefit for more than one year.
  • Repeatedly failing to comply with the prohibition of receiving income from a self-employed job or activity that is incompatible with the IMV.

Reasons for losing the right to the Spanish Minimum Vital Income