Wednesday. 12.03.2025

Video: Writing a CV and a cover letter in Finnish

If you want to make an impression on your future employer, write your job application in Finnish. In this video I will explain you how to write a CV and a cover letter in Finnish.
If you want to make an impression on your future employer, write your job application in Finnish. In this video you will get some ideas on how to write a CV and a cover letter in Finnish. You will learn useful expressions like ansioluettelo (CV), suosittelija (referee) and työkokemus (work experience).

Do I need to speak Finnish to get a job in Finland?

The answer is yes and no. The truth is that in some jobs you will need more Finnish language than in some others. But it also depends on the area where you live.

In the Helsinki metropolitan area it is probably easier to find a job where you don’t need much Finnish, but in smaller cities and in the countryside it may be essential to speak Finnish. For example in Helsinki there are many restaurants and cafés with only English speaking staff.

It also depends on your line of work: if you work with people, you need more language skills than in solitary work. People working in schools or kindergartens obviously need to speak Finnish in order to communicate with children. Nurses and doctors clearly have to speak Finnish as well.

Make an impression

No matter what your job is or whatever work you are looking for, my suggestion is that you learn at least some basic Finnish. It will help you find a job but also communicate with clients as well as your colleagues. Remember that you don’t need to be fluent, basic Finnish is enough in the beginning.

If you want to make an impression on your future employer, write your job application in Finnish. In this video you will get some ideas on how to write a CV and a cover letter in Finnish. You will learn useful expressions like ansioluettelo (CV), suosittelija (referee) and työkokemus (work experience).

I wish you the very best of luck in your job search! Tsemppiä työnhakuun!

Video: Writing a CV and a cover letter in Finnish