The second police officer injured by a shot in Porvoo left the hospital during the last weekend, the East Uusimaa Police Department reported on his Twitter account.
Hyviä uutisia! Toinenkin Porvoon ampumatapauksessa haavoittunut poliisimme on päässyt pois sairaalasta. Molemmat poliisimme voivat olosuhteisiin nähden hyvin ja he keskittyvät nyt kuntoutumiseensa. #poliisi #Porvoo
— Poliisi Itä-Uusimaa (@IUPoliisi) September 2, 2019
The shooting occurred on Saturday night to Sunday 25 August in a small industrial area in Koneistajantie, where a patrol of the Eastern Uusimaa Police Department went after receiving a regular alert. The agents arrived at the scene at 00:30 and suspects immediately opened fire against them.
As a result, both cops were wounded and needed hospital assistance, although their life was not in danger and one of them left the hospital shortly after.
The National Bureau of Investigation took over the case and launched a large operation to find the perpetrators of the shots. On Sunday evening, around 20:36, two suspects were arrested in Ikaalinen (Tampere region) after a 30 minutes road chase.
The suspects are two brothers and have been jailed while pre-trial investigation is carried out. The younger one is Raymond Granholm, a 25 year old Swedish national. The older brother is Richard Granholm, a 30 year old man with dual Finnish and Swedish citizenship. They both face several charges of attempted murder.
According to Eastern Uusimaa Police, both police officers injured in the firing incident are now focusing on rehabilitation. They decided not to make public their identities or personal circumstances, the police reported.
Tiedoksi medialle: Kumpikin haavoittuneista poliiseistamme on tehnyt sen henkilökohtaisen päätöksen, etteivät he halua kertoa tapauksesta julkisuudessa. Pyydämme ymmärrystä. Tämänkaltaisten tapausten käsittely on kuitenkin erittäin henkilökohtainen asia. #Porvoo #poliisi
— Poliisi Itä-Uusimaa (@IUPoliisi) September 2, 2019