Saturday. 22.02.2025

A fatal traffic accident that caused the death of an elementary school child took place on Friday 16 April in the city of Espoo.

According to police reports, the sad event occurred on Friday afternoon, at a time when thousands of children across the country are returning home from schools.

The child was crossing a pedestrian crossing by bicycle at an intersection with a green light in the Lähderanta area, next to the K-Supermarket. A truck coming from the same direction and turning to the right ran over the student.

The Western Uusimaa Police Department is investigating the causes of the accident.

The driver was in a state of shock after the accident, Klaus Geiger, from the Western Uusimaa police, told newspaper Iltalehti.

Police expect to question the truck driver and several witnesses on Saturday.

School-age child killed by truck in Espoo