Saturday. 22.02.2025

The police conducted a special surveillance operation with a focus on heavy traffic throughout Finland between 10 and 16 February 2020. All police departments in Finland took part in the surveillance operation.

According to police information, during the surveillance period a total of 1,791 heavy vehicles were inspected, which corresponds well to the previously established target. Of them, approximately one-fifth (21%) were foreign. In total, drivers were issued almost 500 individual sanctions and, in addition, nearly 250 warnings. Some of the drivers received sanctions for more than one offence.

Police says the aim of the operation was to improve road safety and combat crime associated with the shadow economy and transport. The focus of surveillance was targeted at the most prominent issues detected during the previous campaigns, such as compliance with driving hours and rest periods, fastening of the load, and the overall condition of vehicles. 

However, the campaign gave some unexpected results, such as the finding of several people wanted by the police.

During the inspections, 13 unlicensed and 12 wanted persons were encountered. In addition, eight who were inebriated behind the wheel came to light.

Police: "No change for the better"

Relative to the number of vehicles checked, the final driving and rest period infringement count remains immoderately large. "There has been no change for the better," reported Kari Onninen, National Police Board Chief Superintendent.

A total of 268 driving and rest period as well as 38 tachograph violations were detected. Driving and rest period infractions rose from the autumn by 86 incidents; i.e. approximately 47 per cent, and correspondingly tachograph violations increased 58 per cent on the previous special surveillance period.

A total of 74 sanctions were issued for inattention in traffic. Due to faults and malfunctions, sanctions were issued in 93 cases. Of these, it was necessary to interrupt drivers’ journeys entirely in 16 cases.

Police found 12 people wanted during heavy traffic surveillance campaign