Saturday. 22.02.2025

The control calculation of the election result did not change the power relationships of the parties, as confirmed today Statistics Finland.

According to the final numbers published by the Finnish statistical office, the Social Democratic Party became the biggest party in the Parliamentary elections with 17.7 per cent of all votes cast, which is only 0.2 percentage points higher than the True Finns Party's share of votes and 0.7 percentage points higher than the Coalition Party's share. 

The Green League increased its support most, by 3.0 percentage points. In relative terms, the Center Party of former primer minister Juha Sipilä lost most votes: the party gained 13.8 per cent of the votes cast, which is 7.3 percentage points lower than in the previous Parliamentary elections.

Parliamentary elections final results

Source: Statistics Finland.

For the first time, all parties' support remained under 20 per cent and the differences between the three biggest parties were small. The Social Democratic Party gained a total of 546,471 votes, the Finns Party 538,805 and the National Coalition Party 523,957 votes.

The Centre Party received 423,920 votes, which is over 200,000 votes fewer than in the previous Parliamentary elections. Except for the Green League and particularly the Centre Party, changes in the parties’ support were small.

Apart from the parties mentioned above, the changes in support for the Parliamentary parties were at their biggest 1.2 percentage points either way. The Blue Reform that separated from the Finns Party gained 1.0 per cent of all votes cast and thus did not get any representatives in the new Parliament.

Groups outside the Parliamentary parties increased their support from the previous elections, now 5.0 per cent of persons who voted supported these groups.

The group included parties outside the Parliament, consistency associations and groups having nominated candidates in the region of Åland. Parties outside the Parliamentary parties gained a total of 63,452 votes, the number of votes cast for constituency associations in Mainland Finland was 76,506.

Of the constituency associations in Mainland Finland, Movement Now also got a representative to the new Parliament.

Voting turnout rose from the previous elections

The voting percentage of Finnish citizens living in Finland was 72.1, which is 2.0 percentage points higher than in the previous Parliamentary elections.

The voting turnout rose in all constituencies, in relative terms most in the constituencies of Pirkanmaa and Satakunta, by 3.2 percentage points.

In Mainland Finland, the voting percentage was highest in the constituency of Helsinki (77.7%) and lowest in the constituency of Savo-Karelia (67.4%). Of municipalities in Mainland Finland, the voting percentage was lowest in Hyrynsalmi (60.0%) and highest in Luoto (86.2%).

The total number of persons entitled to vote in the Parliamentary elections was 4,510,040, of whom 4,255,466 were living in Finland and 254,574 abroad.

Women more active than men

Statistics Finland remarks that women voted in the 2019 Parliamentary elections more actively than men, women's voting percentage was 73.5, or 2.9 percentage points higher than men’s voting percentage. Women have voted more actively than men in all Parliamentary elections since 1987.

Advance voting increased its popularity in the Parliamentary elections 2019, as the share of advance voters in all who voted rose to over 50 per cent.

Voting turnout also rose for those entitled to vote living abroad, as 12.6 per cent of persons entitled to vote living abroad voted in the 2019 Parliamentary elections, which is 2.5 percentage points higher than in the previous Parliamentary elections. Over 6,000 votes were given by post, as postal voting was allowed as a new method of voting in the 2019 Parliamentary elections.

Finland will have a fragmented Parliament without a clear majority group