A person died on Monday morning in Helsinki, hit by a subway train.
The police in the capital city reported the event shortly after 11:00 am on their Twitter account. It happened near the Myllypuro station (in the east of Helsinki).
As a result of the event, the authorities have disconnected the electricity of the Metro line and the traffic of trains in the direction of Itäkesus was temporarily suspended.
Yksi henkilö on jäänyt metron alle lähellä Myllypuron metroasemaa. Henkilö menehtyi tilanteessa. Metroradan sähköistys on purettu ja Itäkeskukseen suuntautuva metroliikenne on pysähdyksissä. #Poliisi ja pelastuslaitos ovat paikalla. Lisätietoja kerrotaan Twitterissä. #Helsinki
— Helsingin poliisi (@HelsinkiPoliisi) August 17, 2020
Units of the police and rescue services were sent to the area.
About an hour later, the police reported that traffic on the line had been restored and that emergency services had already withdrawn.
Poliisi ja pelastuslaitos ovat poistuneet onnettomuuspaikalta. Metroliikenne palaa normaaliksi. Onnettomuuteen ei epäillä liittyvän rikosta. Poliisi aloittaa asiasta kuolemansyyn tutkinnan, eikä tapahtuneesta näin ollen ole enempää tiedotettavaa. #poliisi #Helsinki
— Helsingin poliisi (@HelsinkiPoliisi) August 17, 2020
At the moment the authorities have not said anything about how the event occurred or about the victim. Their age and gender are unknown.
It is also not explained if the death occurred after accidentally falling on the rails or if it was a crime or suicide.
However, in their second tweet the police said they do not suspect that the events are related to a crime and that they will not continue to report on the case, which is the usual formula in suicide cases.