Monday. 31.03.2025

The lower arrival of asylum seekers continues to lead to the closure of infrastructures established to cope with the peak of 2015 and 2016.

The Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) announced today the closure of its reception centre in Paihola, in the municipality of Kontiolahti. This town is located about 20 kilometres north from the city of Joensuu, in the region of North Karelia.

According to a press release, the Immigration authority "has discontinued the contract of the reception centre in Paihola". The operations of this establishment will end by 30 June 2020.

The Finnish Immigration Service explained that its intention is to adapt the country's reception centre capacity to the existing need for accommodation.

At the moment, there are 38 reception centres, 6 units for minors and 2 detention units active in Finland.

Migri will close refugee reception centre in North Karelia