Saturday. 22.02.2025

The main Finnish economic sectors are showing signs of recovery.

In May, the Nordic country registered increases in turnover in services, industry and construction. The development was partly due to the exceptional situation caused by the coronavirus one year earlier.

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, the working day adjusted turnover in service industries (except trade) grew by 15.8% in May 2021 compared with May 2020.

Screenshot 2021-07-03 at 09-45-43 Statistics Finland - Turnover in service industries

The seasonally adjusted turnover in service industries grew in May by 1.3% compared to April. In April, seasonally adjusted turnover grew by 1.2%, while in March, turnover was 0.5% higher than in the month before.

The industry sector recorded a similar development.

The working day adjusted turnover in industry grew by 11.3% in May 2021 compared with May 2020. The seasonally adjusted turnover in industry was on level with the previous month. In April, seasonally adjusted turnover grew by 2.2%, while in March, turnover was 0.2% higher than in the month before.

Screenshot 2021-07-03 at 09-53-25 Statistics Finland - Index of turnover in industry

Construction enterprises

The working day adjusted turnover of construction enterprises grew by 6.3% in May 2021 compared with May 2020.

According to the preliminary data, seasonally adjusted turnover in construction increased by 1.4% in May 2021 from April.

Screenshot 2021-07-03 at 09-51-34 Statistics Finland - Index of turnover of construction

In April, seasonally adjusted turnover increased by 1.1% and in March turnover increased by 1.5% from one month before.

Increase in turnover of Finnish services, industry, construction