Sunday. 23.02.2025

The Finnish government says one of its goals is to promote diversity in the workplace.

For that purpose, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment recently appointed a steering group for the working life diversity programme, which promotes diversity and inclusiveness in working life from the perspective of immigrants, as per the government programme.

The government appointed the group on 18 November and announced it a few days later, on Thursday 26 November, through an English press release. 

According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, "the aim of the programme is to ensure that companies and organizations benefit from diversity and that immigrants are able to find employment matching their skills and advance in their careers."

The steering group includes representatives from ministries, public authorities and other key bodies.

Also for the government

“In addition to companies, central government administration should also reflect the diverse society. Diversity in central government can be increased, for example, by improving the diversity skills of the managers responsible for recruitment. Our image as employer should also be developed," says Sonja Hämäläinen, chair of the steering group and Migration Director from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

"For example, state job advertisements could include a sentence about diversity which would hopefully encourage people of different backgrounds to apply for work with us,” Hämäläinen adds.

The term of the group will run from 18 November 2020 until 31 March 2022.

Government appoints experts to ensure immigrants labour inclusiveness