Friday. 14.03.2025

The Finnish government has proposed to introduce an additional temporary payment to compensate and support "the most vulnerable individuals and families" who have incurred additional costs as a result of the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus epidemic.

The aid would cover people who have received basic social assistance during the period of restrictions, if they continue receiving it during the payment period in autumn 2020, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health explained in a press release.

In the words of the Finnish Social Security Institution (Kela), "basic social assistance" is that which the authorities provide to those individuals and families whose income and assets do not cover their essential daily expenses. In other words, the poorest people in the country.

The compensation amount would be 75 euros per month per person. And recipients would not need a separate application to receive it.

From September to December

Payments of this compensation would start in September and end in December 2020.

For this purpose, the Ministry has proposed that a law on temporary compensation for epidemic is enacted. It is also proposed that the Act on Social Assistance be amended on a temporary basis so that the compensation for epidemic is not taken into account when granting social assistance.

The acts would enter into force retroactively on 1 August 2020 and remain in force until 31 December 2020.

Parliament will discuss the government proposal together with the supplementary budget proposal after the summer break in September.

Government proposes to pay an additional € 75 a month to the poorest