Friday. 07.03.2025

The Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) announced that negotiations will begin this week for the closure of the Pudasjärvi reception center, in the province of Oulu.

According to a Migri press release, the Pudasjärvi facilities have been operating since 2008 and are administratively part of the Oulu reception center. Now, Migri based its decision to close them on two reasons: the lower budget of the immigration agency and the decreasing number of asylum seekers arriving in Finland.

Negotiations will start on June 10 and will cover all Pudasjärvi staff (9 employees). According to Migri, those workers "have an opportunity to move to work at the Oulu reception center."

There are currently a total of 40 reception centers in Finland.

Finnish Immigration Service to close Pudasjärvi reception center