Sunday. 23.02.2025

The United Nations (UN) High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will meet in New York between 9 and 18 July 2019. The purpose of the annual meeting is to review the progress made globally in achieving the objectives of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This year, the set of Sustainable Development goals (SDGs) to be reviewed in depth is the following: quality education; decent work and economic growth; reduced inequalities, climate action; peace, justice and strong institutions; and partnerships for the goals, which is reviewed every year.

In New York, Finland will place emphasis on education and training, knowledge and future skills, and their links to sustainable development. Minister of Education Li Andersson will head Finland’s broad-based delegation in New York.

"Finland’s experience shows that investment in quality education and in equal access to education is crucial for the wellbeing and prosperity of the entire society. Education is a particularly efficient tool for tackling exclusion and inequality", says Minister of Education, Li Andersson

"In resolving global challenges, we have the best chances of success if we address education first. That’s why it is vital right now to invest in continuous learning, in equality in education, and in science and innovation", Minister Andersson continues.

Important year for sustainable development

For sustainable development, 2019 is an important year as the 2030 Agenda’s first four-year cycle comes to conclusion. In September, heads of state and government will gather for the first SDG Summit under the auspices of the General Assembly.

Before the SDG Summit, an independent panel of scientists, appointed by the UN Secretary-General, will publish a Global Sustainable Development Report to review the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Satu Santala, Director General of the Department for Development Policy from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs says:

"We already know that the Report, which will be published this autumn, will send a worrying message. For some goals, development has been negative. We therefore need a new, stronger commitment to the agreed goals in order to deliver the 2030 Agenda globally".

Finland will organise side events

Finland will participate actively in the Forum’s programme and organise two side events. A side event organised together with Fingo, the umbrella organisation for Finnish civil society organisations, Bridge 47 Network and Fiji will look for new ways to strengthen global citizenship through education. In addition, the Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN will hold a side event exploring the implementation of Finland’s national sustainable development programme.

Significantly, for the first time at the UN Forum, the EU will be platforming its actions to attain the 2030 Agenda goals in an event organised jointly with Finland. With its own report, the City of Helsinki will also discuss at the Forum its measures to implement the 2030 Agenda.

Finland enjoys a good reputation as a leader in the planning and administration of a national implementation policy for sustainable development, and in broad-based cooperation with the civil society.

Alongside with ministry representatives, Finland’s delegation includes members from the City of Helsinki, from Young People’s 2030 Agenda and from several civil society organisations and businesses.

Finland places emphasis on education in tackling global challenges