Tuesday. 11.03.2025

In Finland, the consumption of hard coal fell down by 14% in the first quarter of the year 2019 compared to the corresponding period of 2018.

The above information is according to the latest preliminary data published by the Finnish statistical office, which show also that in January to March 2019 the consumption of hard coal was 36% less than on average during this millennium. The consumption of hard coal as a fuel in the generation of electricity and heat amounted to one million tonnes, which corresponded to 25 petajoules in energy content, says Statistics Finland.

Hard coal consumption

Source: Statistics Finland.

Seasonal fluctuation

Compared with the average for the last five years, nine per cent less hard coal was consumed in the first quarter of 2019. Compared with one year ago, the consumption of hard coal contracted most in March, by 32 per cent.

The Finnish statistical office explained that hard coal consumption in Finland typically fluctuates seasonally. Some of the fluctuation is explained by the natural variation in the need for electricity and heat between the summer and winter seasons.

The difference between statistical reference years is explained by variations in the demand for heating energy and the Nordic water situation, which particularly influences the electricity exchange price and thus the demand for separate production of electricity as well. Therefore, long-term consumption development cannot be deducted from the change in hard coal consumption in successive years.

At the end of March 2019, the stocks of coal amounted to 1.6 million tonnes, which represented a decrease of 24 per cent relative to the stocks at the end of December 2018. Compared with one year back, the stocks were two per cent larger.

Consumption of hard coal decreased by 14% in the first quarter of 2019