Monday. 03.03.2025

A low-power bomb exploded last night in the city of Tornio (Lapland, on the Swedish border) without the causes or authors being known at the moment.

In one of their brief statements, the Finnish police only said that the explosives were placed under a car. Later, the Border Guard confirmed that it was a rental vehicle used by them that did not carry any official distinctive or signs.

The explosive was detonated at 00:50 on Tuesday 4 August on Aarnintie street.

Loud but not strong

Residents in the area who have spoken to the press confirmed that they heard the explosion. They said it was loud, but not strong enough to cause serious damage to neighboring buildings.

Lapland police department say they are investigating the facts as a crime with explosives and destruction. But they added that they will not report any further since the investigation is still "at an early stage."

Police are also asking for observations of people and vehicles who were moving in Tornio around the Aarnintie and Thurevikinkatu districts last night between 00:00 and 1:00.

Any relevant information or clues are requested to be reported to the Lapland Police: 0295 466 481 or [email protected]

Bomb explodes under Finnish Border Guard car