Wednesday. 12.03.2025

At least one foreign language is spoken by 93 per cent of the Finnish population aged 18 to 64, according to the latest figures published by Statistics Finland.

In general, the proportion of people who know other languages ​​has steadily increased since 1995 in all groups regardless the educational level. But one factor remains unchanged: Finnish women continue to outnumber their male counterparts in language skills (see the graphic below).

The results of the study point out that the dependency between the level of education and the knowledge of foreign languages has decreased and language skills have increased from 1995 most among those with merely basic qualifications (37% by 2017). This information derives from Statistics Finland's Adult Education Survey 2017.

Those with longer basic education knew foreign languages more often than those with shorter basic education. When nearly all of those with tertiary level degrees knew at least one foreign language, this was so for 91 per cent of those with upper secondary level qualifications and for 87 per cent of persons with basic level qualifications.Persons Knowledge foreign language

Source: Statistics Finland

The dependency between the level of education and knowledge of foreign languages has decreased considerably in 22 years. During that time, those with only basic level qualifications have increased their language skills most, by 37 percentage points.

The language skills of those with upper secondary level qualifications also increased steadily from 1995 to 2012, by nearly 20 percentage points. In 2017, the difference between the language skills of those with basic level qualifications and tertiary level qualifications was only 10 percentage points.

Gender differences

Knowledge of languages grew from 1995 until 2012, when 93 per cent of the population aged 18 to 64 said they knew some foreign language at least a little. In 1995 and 2000, ten percentage points fewer men than women said they knew foreign languages. The difference had halved by 2017, but still persists. In 2017, there were as many foreign language speakers as five years ago, 93 per cent of the population aged 18 to 64.

Graphic Foreign Language speakSource: Statistics Finland

Nearly all persons aged under 45 knew at least one foreign language (96 to 97 per cent). Among older people, 92 per cent of those aged 45 to 54 knew at least one language and 83 per cent of those aged 55 to 64.

The most spoken foreign languages were in the order English, Swedish and German. Nine out of ten persons aged 18 to 64 said they knew English, seven out of ten Swedish and three out of ten German.

The respondents of the Adult Education Survey were asked about their native language and what foreign languages they knew. They were also requested to assess their level of language skills from the classification given to them. The lowest knowledge level meant understanding a few words and phrases, the highest level an almost perfect command of a language.

Finnish women outnumber men in foreign language skills