Friday. 07.03.2025

Spain's Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, through the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence, has launched a Manifestation of Interest to finance university chairs, existing or newly created, dedicated to research, dissemination, teaching and innovation on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Ministry, which frames this initiative within the AI Chairs Program, explained in a press release that the aim is "to identify the most promising and necessary areas of knowledge, training needs and lines of research for the support or creation of university chairs."

The AI ​​Chairs Program is part of the Digital Spain 2025 agenda, the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (ENIA) and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

The National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (ENIA, in its Spanish acronym) will mobilize a public investment of 600 million euros, according to government's figures.

Its objectives include "the promotion of a greater training offer in Vocational and University Training" aimed at the development of AI. To this end, the reinforcement of research activities in this area is planned, while at the same time seeking to create a solid body of knowledge to nurture the training offer in the different fields that use it.

To achieve these goals, research talent in Spain will be detected so that it can be promoted through specific units and generate innovative R&D in the different areas of AI application. These activities will be the basis of a new training offer.

In the government's view, the ideal way to achieve the objectives is to finance university chairs in AI, existing or newly created, which will have extensive research, dissemination and training activities.

Citizens invited to participate

This call has the following goals:

  • Find out what existing or newly created chairs can be included in the IA Chairs Program.
  • Delimit the basic characteristics that the chairs should have: size and budget, as well as associated areas of knowledge and technology.
  • Understand which lines of research and training may be most promising, as well as the expected technical, economic, environmental and social impact.
  • Deduce their potential contribution to the ecological transition and possible strategic alignments with other measures.

The call for the Expression of Interest is open to all types of participants (citizens, private and public agents, research centers and universities of any kind), who have knowledge in the application of solutions based on AI or in the development and training of models of AI. Each participant may submit one or more expressions of interest.

These expressions will be made anonymously through a form. Contributions will be allowed until April 30.

People or entities that wish to participate can safely access the form by clicking HERE

Spanish government promotes Artificial Intelligence university chairs