Monday. 31.03.2025

Places where free face masks are distributed

These services are intended for low-income people, who cannot afford them. In principle, distribution is based on trust, so that people do not need to prove that they are poor.

In principle, each person can receive 20 disposable masks at a time, but this could vary over time.

Mask packages for sale at a City Market store. Photo:
Mask packages for sale at a City Market store. Photo:

On Thursday 13 August, the Finnish health authorities issued a general recommendation to the population on the use of face masks in confined public spaces as a measure of protection against the coronavirus. The number and incidence of new cases is increasing in Finland, especially in the capital area.

On Wednesday, August 19, the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) reported 29 new infections detected in the last 24 hours. And the number of hospitalized patients increased by three, to eight.

So far, 7,805 cases and 334 deaths associated with the Covid-19 have been reported in Finland, most of the in the Helsinki-Uusimaa area.

Free masks for the poor

The recommendation to wear masks is primarily directed to users of public transport - where close contact with other people is hard to avoid -, citizens returned from at-risk countries and for those on their way to a coronavirus test or who are awaiting the results.

In principle, each person is responsible for buying and paying for their own masks. However, the Prime Minister Sanna Marin said that the municipalities will ensure that the poorest or most vulnerable people also have access to protection gear. The state will reimburse them for the corresponding costs. has gathered information about where to get free masks provided by the municipalities of Vantaa and Espoo. We have chosen these two cities because they are the ones that host the largest number of inhabitants of foreign origin, according to official statistics.

The city of Helsinki, along with Turku, Oulu and other large urban centers have said they will also distribute masks. At the moment, there is no official information on Helsinki's website about mass distribution points. But free masks have been distributed, for example in front of the main railway station.

The free face masks are intended for low-income people, who cannot afford them. In principle, distribution is based on trust, so that people do not need to prove that they are poor. In principle, the distribution starts with 20 disposable masks per person at a time, but this could vary over time.

City of Vantaa

At the following city offices (during opening hours):

  • Katriinan sairaala, Katriinankuja 4
  • Hakunilan terveysasema, Laukkarinne 4
  • Länsimäen terveysasema, Keilakuja 1
  • Koivukylän terveysasema, Karsikkokuja 15
  • Korson terveysasema, Naalipolku 6B, 2. krs.
  • Myyrmäen terveysasema, Jönsaksentie 4
  • Tikkurilan terveysasema, Kielotie 11A
  • Verso, Vernissakatu 8, 1. krs.
  • Myyrmäen päihdepoliklinikka, Liesikuja 7B, 2. krs.
  • Tikkurilan päihdepoliklinikka, Kielotie 20C, 2. krs.

At the offices of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare:

  • Koivukylän kohtaamispaikka, Karsikkokuja 17
  • Hakunilan yhteisötalo, Laukkarinne 6, 3. krs.

The following institutions also participate in the distribution of masks in the city of Vantaa:

  • Alvi Ry
  • Auttava sydän
  • Elämänlaatu ry
  • Hakunilan kyläyhteisö ry
  • Hakunilan Kansainvälinen yhdistys
  • Hakunilan Mielenterveysseura ry / Ystävänkammari
  • Joosua Missio
  • Korson ruokapalveluyhdistys ry
  • Korson Työttömät ry
  • Martinlaakson kyläyhdistys
  • R3 Maahanmuuttajanuorten tuki ry
  • Somfin ry
  • Takaisin Elämään ry
  • Tikkurilan klubitalo ESKOT ry
  • Vahti ry
  • Vantaan A-Kilta ry KILTAKOTI
  • Vantaan A-Kilta ry
  • Vantaan A-Kilta ry - Myyrmäki
  • Vantaan järjestörinki ry
  • Vantaan Kuuloyhdistys ry
  • Vantaan mielenterveysyhdistys Hyvät tuulet
  • Vantaan työnhakijat ry
  • Hakunilan Kotikirkko
  • Liesikappeli
  • Länsi- Vantaan vapaaseurakunta
  • Vantaan Kotikirkko

You can check this information and updates on the website of the Vantaa city council HERE

City of Espoo

There are 8 free-maks distribution points in the city of Espoo.

In the city center:

  • Hyvä Arki ry, Siltakuja 3 B, ma–pe klo 9–13
  • Manna Apu ry, Tuomarilantie 19, ma–pe klo 9–13


  • Kivenkolo, Merisaapas 1 A, ma–pe klo 9–15


  • Espoon sosiaalipalvelutoimisto, Komentajankatu 5 C, ma−pe klo 9−15
  • Raitin Pysäkki, Konstaapelinkatu 1 A, ma−pe klo 10−14


  • Espoon Maahanmuuttajapalvelut, Pyyntitie 3, ma–pe klo 9–15
  • Espoon Ankkuri, Matinkartanontie 16 B, ma–to klo 9–12


  • EJYn Kansalaistoiminnankeskus, Kauppamiehentie 6, ma–pe klo 10–15

You can check this information and updates on the website of the Espoo city council HERE

Places where free face masks are distributed