Monday. 13.01.2025

The Finnish government on Thursday received an extensive update from the ministries on the coronavirus (or koronavirus, as spelled in Finnish) and preparation for its spread. The Helsinki authorities expressed their willingness to put all the resources provided by the budget contingency fund to contain Covid-19.

The Government was presented with a comprehensive overview of the coronavirus situation, along with a disease update from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL, in its Finnish acronym).

According to the Government Communications Department, the current budget includes "provisions of 8.9 million euros for additional expenditures such as the situation caused by the coronavirus." In addition, the Government says it is prepared to cover any additional costs generated by the coronavirus through the supplementary budget procedure if necessary.

The parliamentary groups were also briefed on the coronavirus situation on Thursday morning. In addition, the Prime Minister submitted her announcement on Finland’s preparedness for the coronavirus to Parliament later today.

Preparedness in advance

"On the whole, Finland is well prepared for the spread of the coronavirus," the Government said in a press release. "We have begun taking preparedness measures well in advance." As the coronavirus is now spreading in Europe, the Government also decided on additional coordination in its negotiations.

A Covid-19 coordination group will be established in the Government for the time being. The group consists of the Permanent Secretaries and Preparedness Managers of the responsible ministries (the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport and Communications).

The group is headed by the State Secretary to the Prime Minister and its secretary is the Director of Government Security. The Director of Government Communications and an expert from THL are permanent expert members. Representatives from other administrative branches may also be invited to join the group as necessary.

Finnish Government puts 8.9 million euros to face coronavirus epidemic